The Free thinker in Melbourne

I was getting the course which I always wanted and I was very passionate about it. No other university in Australia was offering such unique course in Sustainable Manufacturing. And also I was very impressed with the campus location and facilities.

Course Curriculum :

Yes our course gets changed every year and no assignments or projects are repeated. All the work is completely based on industries or companies. They make you ready to work as a intelligent fresher in every firms.

Exams :

You only need 6.5 overall in IELTS. Also you cannot have any backlogs more than 9 in any subjects. All the certificates of extracurricular activities will make your application look more original and impressive compared to others.

Placement :

There is no post study placement. Research opportunities are only available for PhD students. The median salary here is 20 dollars per hour including tax for an Engineer. In my academics and co-curricular activities, during past four years I have shown my talent, initiative and creativity. Currently, I am studying engineering at Swinburne University and looking for industry project to fit in with my studies. I consider myself to be a quick learner, hardworking and effective communicator. My personal goal is to do my duty with great determination, be able to navigate the corporate environment & respond to its demand.

Events :

Yes we celebrated all festivals like Diwali and Holi. There are so many clubs which helps you to know Australian Culture and its people. we have got 24 hour libraries open with full connectivity of WIFI.

Scholarship :

Yes I got 15% scholarship in my 1st year and 20%in 2nd year

Faculty :

There are 34 students in our class. Faculties are always helpful and friendly. They don't like you calling them Sir or madam all the time. Dr Jason Daddy helped me a lot to learn technology management and how to apply six sigma strategies in real life.

Hostel :

I live with my University seniors. The overall rent is 360 AUD monthly excluding food and electricity. We all comfortably live and cook by our own. At starting it might be little difficult to get rooms but once you make friends around your university its easy.

7.2 out of 10