Best employment rate and is a private college with a lot of prac preparing students for the workplace. It is local and easy to get to and specializes in education I hadn't also heard good reviews from other students.
Course Curriculum
It is very relevant to real life and what my course will challenge me with. A lot of the content is general knowledge but is relevant to raise awareness of the prevalence of societal issues that we will face in schools.
It's very small but very practical and provides a lot of prac to prepare students for the workplace. It has good employment rates which assist in confidence in the college.
The fees are very expensive as a private college there are not many other charges however but it allows for HECS.
Examination Structure
Some subjects have more exams than others. I do not think it is necessary for some subjects I think assignments are a better assessment if you want to learn more about a topic. Exams place students in high-stress environments so it is not necessarily an accurate assessment.