It is located at a convenient location for my residence. It has good opportunities and good career prospects for the future. It also offers more undergraduate courses compared to other universities. It allows students to complete a course quicker than other universities.
Course Curriculum
It is a very good curriculum. I really enjoy it. It is structured and organized. It gives students a lot of study material and the lectures care about their student's wellbeing and academic performance.
The college is very structured and organized. It cares about the student's wellbeing and academic progress. It also has various activities for new students to get acquainted with the program.
HECS, domestic students are given the opportunity to opt for the government student education help fees called HECS.
Examination Structure
It is conducted in person. It has multiple choice questions, short answer questions, and essay style questions. Some exams don't have essay-style questions. The exams are usually two to three hours long in length.