Many forces played a factor for me to choose the Glendon campus (extension of York University) as my school. I liked the fact that the classes were small enough for me to establish person relationships with my professors, the school had a small amount of students in all four years - making it feel like less of a jungle. And finally, I was able to peruse and finish my studies in French for it was the only campus in Toronto to offer it as part of my English B.A.
Course Curriculum
I did not find the curriculum of my campus satisfied me. I was so unhappy with it that I dropped part of my degree (which was a minor in History) and primarily focused on my English degree. Even within my English degree - I only found a few classes that had has reading recent publications versus classics, which what I primarily studied.
The faculty was small and tight-knit, no one felt out of place, everyone was welcome. Furthermore, the professors were very open and accommodating to any external forces that took place which ended up impacting one's performance in their classes. They were all extremely approachable and made it a point to make themselves available at all times.
I did not have any post grad placement for two mains reasons: I got a degree in English to pursue my career in teaching, which I currently am. And the other reason, I graduated during COVOD-19 being at it's peak - making any post grad opportunities very limited
I was lucky enough to live at home during my time in university. So the only expenses I had to pay for was my transportation and textbooks.
I did not have to write any standardized tests for any of my applications because I am a Canadian Citizen. However, each university had an average I had to meet to be accepted into my desired program. The average varied from university to university but I was expected to have been between 75%-80% or higher.
My university campus was extremely small, having only an average of 4000 kids in all four year. So we were not the most funded school, so I believe out clubs and events did lack in quite a bit but they were always inclusive and welcoming. The library never lack any material we needed - in the event it did, they made sure to pull all the resources possible to bring it to us. The school Wi-Fi worked but could be improved by a lot in my opinion.
I received bursaries from my school but I did not receive any scholarships