The campus and class sizes were very small which I liked because I came from a small town originally. The nutrition program was also very good because the teacher and community were very involved in it.
Course Curriculum
I think the course curriculum is very well put together for the nutrition classes. However, I do think the amount of chemistry is a lot because it almost overpowers the nutrition courses. It is also very good because of the many options you can take for a major.
The faculty at my college is fantastic. Especially the nutrition one. The teachers and register's office are always very helpful no matter what the issue is.
There are only 11 job placements so it can get very competitive. However, this is the case in most schools. I wish they could open it up to more opportunities because there are a lot of good students who don't get one.
I have lived in residence for 2 years and plan to live off-campus next year. The resident was awesome and I really enjoyed the people and the ones In charge. The people are so friendly.
I did not have to take any of these exams as I am from Canada which does not require you to take these.
Many events are celebrated at this college. I am personally in CAFP which is a Canada wide organization for networking so we host many events. The biggest event campus-wide which is a huge hockey game between 2 residences and there are always large parties for it.
The fees are quite extensive. We are one of the highest charging universities in the Maritimes. There are also residences fees and meal plans on top of that. Tuition is often raised for no reason and random fees are added.
I have applied for a scholarship. I currently have one of 16,000 that I got the first year. The application process was pretty extensive due to the amount of money they were giving and I just recently applied for another smaller one that had a similar process of application which is weird because it's only 2,000 max. I needed multiples references and an essay mainly.
Examination Structure
The exam structure is good. There is normally not an exam in most nutrition classes because they are more focused around group work which I am a big fan of. Other classes go have exams and most are weighted very heavily.