Stfx is close to my home. I didn't want to be too far but I'm also far enough to get a sense of independence. The X ring was also a bit part of the reason that I chose the school and I'm looking forward to joining the alumni's.
Course Curriculum
Could be more options but there's still a good variety for such a small town. Not too hard and you get what you give, in the end, so it's important to do your work. Options for everyone and every style of learning.
Except for a few, all of the faculty is excellent. Since it?s a small school, they have enough time to put thought and care into each student to help them succeed.
Homecoming is a big one at the end of Septemeber. X has a big alumni network. The Catalina Wine mixer is also an excellent time to relax with friends. There are also theme nights going on at the Inn, so there's a bit of everything for everyone.
Tuition is about eight grand for the average student. Residences go anywhere from $5000 to $9000 depending on what sort of living situation you're looking for. You have to pay fees for the union and some construction, but it's nothing out of place.
Examination Structure
Exams in December and April. They tend to get a bit rushed for some people but I've had a good experience. The exams were anywhere from two hours to three hours depending on the class. A good summary of the classes that you attended.