It's the best school in the country, along with having a very strong Kinesiology undergraduate program. The school seemed like a great fit for myself as well, I prefer being near a city than a rural area.
Course Curriculum
I like it but they should restructure the order we take it. I would like more anatomy courses along with providing more information and education on master's programs. Along with that, I believe they should offer more useful placements. I never took one as I heard very inconsistent experiences from others.
The structure of fees in tuition includes the courses, facilities usage, medical care, and other fees depending on the program. We pay some fees for labs, and depending on the course you'll need to buy textbooks. Some teachers utilize articles and podcasts which I prefer, as they're free and more accessible.
Examination Structure
The exam structure varies based on the course. There are some exams that are only written, while others focus mainly on multiple choice. Overall, it'll be a mix of the 2, along with an essay format. The exams typically last 2-3 hours as well.
I think they're pretty great. We have a very diverse faculty that are very approachable. I've had more positive professor and TA experiences than not.
I lived in an apartment downtown for 2 years, but now I'm taking fewer classes so I moved back home. It was expensive living downtown and was a better choice to go home. I never stayed in residence, as I only lived 1 city away.