It was really close to my house and also where I work part-time during school and full time during the summer. It helps me avoid paying rent. They also offered me a good scholarship and accept pretty early on.
Course Curriculum
My opinion on the course curriculum at my school is that it is actually great. You have a lot of classes which you are required to take for your major but you also have a lot of freedom to explore different courses.
The faculty of my university is very diverse, knowledgeable and helpful. They truly want you to succeed and do your absolute best which is very encouraging.
In Canada we do not require those kinds of entrance exams to be accepted into a university or college. It is just based on your high school grades so I just had to have at least an overall of 80%.
The fees structure includes tuition itself for each semester depending what program you are in. It also includes the bus pass for students who pay a much lower rate than obtaining a regular pass. Fees includes the gym and athletics too.