Required Exams for Admission
My parents are both graduates of UofT. I wanted to live downtown, and UofT was the best choice because it is centrally located in downtown Toronto. I got a very substantial admissions scholarship that provided more funding than the scholarships offered by other universities I applied to. I graduated high school with a 94% average.
Course Curriculum
I really enjoy my curriculum because there is a wide variety of subjects and topics. My least favorite subjects have been geography and history, while my favorites have been cinema studies and music.
I am satisfied with the faculty of my college. One thing I would want to be improved is the ratio of male and female professors; the majority in my program have been male.
I opted for this program because I had a hard time narrowing down what I wanted to specialize in. American Studies was the best choice because it allowed me to take courses in art history, political science, pop culture, film, literature, music, etc, and all count toward my program requirements. There was no minimum score required to get in; you just apply online before starting 2nd year. I currently have a 3.8 cumulative GPA.
Tuition varies based on the categories you opt-in on. The average tuition per year is approximately $8,000, which covers the courses, some club fees, gym membership, etc. It is more expensive if you are an international student or are living in residence (which includes a mandatory meal plan). There are numerous college-based and in-course scholarships available. I have been the recipient of UofT Scholar ($6000) and the Marian Robertson award ($300).
Examination Structure
There is a midterm season that lasts from mid-October to end of October (and mid-February to end of February), and then a final exam period in December and April.