I decided to go to practice nursing as a way to build my bedside manner and patient care before going to RN. I chose this college because it was close to home, and made everything cheaper, and had me save money. The application was easy through OCAS. This program does require writing the HPAT which will run you 50$.
Course Curriculum
It's okay. The profs are okay. The way it's taught is okay.
It's okay. It's not always taught the same by each prof in the lab, making it hard to learn equally. Some profs are great, and really want you to learn, whereas others teach by talking, no PowerPoints.
It's very unorganized. You'll be placed in small-town places that will forget you're going, won't have space for you, and you won't be practicing your skills to the full extent to ensure you're coherent for the real world.
HPAT was mandatory. The amount of students per class is very small, about 50 kids started and were down to under 30. I had an 80 average in high school, and I did hear people having lower. You needed to pass the HPAT test to get accepted into the registered practical nursing program. You'll end up with a diploma once you graduate from the 2-year program.
It's quite expensive for a small town campus. Lab kits for year two are almost 450$ for which you do not use half of. They automatically put you in for any bursaries. You can get loans through banks or OSAP. It's a small town so there's not a lot of bursaries to be given. Living in the area can be quite expensive because it's so small.
Examination Structure
It's a lot of question-based from the textbook.