The reputation of the school was really good and my family also went there. There were no other management development courses in the area that piqued my interest. This college was also the closest one to me.
Course Curriculum
It could have been a bit better and for focused less on in class learning and my re on the job. When I left The class I felt like I needed more actual job experience. I think only 20 percent was on the job experience with employers.
For the most part, the staff was excellent but there were also a couple of members that I did not like. I think overall they did the best job to make sure we learned everything we needed to.
I still lived with my parents so there was no need to live on campus. By not living on campus I was able to save a lot of money that other students had to spend. However, some fellow students were quite happy with their accommodations.
3500 per year and about 500 were books. Other charges not included would have been residency if required and lunch and transportation.
Yes, I applied for scholarships when I first left high school through various organizations but none of my applications were accepted.
Examination Structure
Exam structure mostly multiple choice but there was a long section of the exam where more writing was required for business cases. 30 percent of the final grade was also based on how we were graded on our internship.