Easy to get a work permit post-graduation compared to the US and is the best in the country.
Course Curriculum
Rigorous and there is a lot of grade deflation. However, there is a wide variety of electives and options available within a program so caters to a range of interests.
faculty is extremely approachable and willing to help. The first two years have a very large student to faculty ratio but it reduces in the third and fourth years.
dont know.
yes, costs about 10,000 a year without a meal plan, there are several options available for housing with different room styles and buildings. the meal plan is 4000-6000 dollars and is compulsory.
Submitted my grades for 11th and 12th and submitted two teacher's letters of recommendation.
Infinite opportunities to join clubs and societies. There are always events happening and so, one can find niche events/clubs which meet their interests.
yes, international students admission scholarship.