Brock University vs Trent University

Brock University is a public research university in St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada. Trent University is a public liberal arts university in Peterborough, Ontario, with a satellite campus in Oshawa

Overview Comparison
Brock UniversityTrent University
Collegedunia Score4.1 Out of 104.1 Out of 10
ranking (overall)# 1201 QS World University 2024
# 1001 QS World University 2023
# 1306 US News 2023
# 1497 US News 2023
# 1306 Center for World University Rankings 2022
# 1497 US News 2022
Subject Strength-# 401 for Engineering by Academy Ranking of World Universities 2022
ProgramsUG Programs -32
PG Programs -21
Doctorate Programs -5
UG Programs -90
PG Programs -18
Doctorate Programs -5
Acceptance Rate85.0 %35.0 %
Exam ScoreIELTS-6.5
Cost to StudyAverage Tuition Fees   20914
[For UG Program]
Average Tuition Fees  11752
[For PG Program]
Hostel + Meal - 17720 Per Year
Average Tuition Fees   16038
[For UG Program]
Average Tuition Fees  15950
[For PG Program]
Hostel + Meal - 8893 Per Year
placement (average package)

Average Salaries are as follows:

Degree                           Average Salary

Bachelor of Arts               $36,000 

Bachelor (Other)              $35,000 

MBA                                 $30,000 

The average salary for bachelors program is around CAD$64,000

Some of the roles offered and their average salary are as follows:

Operations Manager: CAD$75,000

Executive assistant: CAD$50,868

Law clerk: CAD$45,781

application requirements

Submit official transcripts of all previous education

Submit English language proficiency test scores

Check program specific requirements

Applicants should have completed senior secondary school with minimum of 70% in 4 best subjects. Submit English proficiency test scores. Students have to check program specific requirements for their courses. 

Campuses and B-SchoolsGoodman School of Business
CollegeDunia Reviews7.3/10 Read 9 reviews6.8/10 Read 9 reviews
General Facts Comparison
General FactsBrock UniversityTrent University
Type of UniversityUniversity
Student:Faculty Ratio33:1
Male:Female42% Male, 57% Female32% Male, 67% Female
Location Facts

The campus is located at St. Catherine, Ontario, Canada. Another campus is operated at Hamilton, Ontario

The main campus of the university is located at Peterborough, Ontario. The university also has a  satellite campus at Oshawa which serves regional municiplaity of Durham. 


The library at the university provides facilities like e-books, study rooms, research guides, study guides, course readings etc.

There are two libraries at the two campuses. Bata library at the Peterborough university and Durham campus library and learning center at Durham campus. The libraries have a large collection of more than 250,000 printed volumes of books, over 500,000 e-books, 243,273 government publications, and wide range of data resources. 

Campus Life

Student Life provides opportunities for everyone in the Brock community to be active and engaged at Brock and within its surrounding communities.The university facilitates engagement opportunities for Brock students that encourage extra-curricular and co-curricular learning experiences and that enrich the communities at Brock, in Niagara, and beyond. University programs and services support Brock students’ development and success. The university offers programs and services that support first-year orientation and transition, campus involvement, leadership development, community engagement and volunteerism, and off-campus living. The on campus residences are walking distance from the classes, that helps students to make connections with other students and get support with dedicated staff members and service desks in the traditional, semi-suite and townhouse style accommodations.

Trent University has many ways for you to get involved and connected to the campus. Involvement can help build your social connections, and help to develop valuable skills. The university offers campus services, such as athletics, food, housing, transit, parking, campus security, the bookstore, campus card, and the health and dental plan. 

Hostel#Double Room - $8440
#Single Room - $9280
#Traditional Single - $5556
Famous Alumni

Peter McLaren (Canadian scholar), Kyle Dubas (Canadian Ice hockey player), Matthew Santoro (Canadian youtuber), Rick Campanelli (Canadian television and radio personality)

Takako Suzuki (Japanese politician), John Stephen Stohn (Canadian producer), Don Tapscott (businessman, author)

City Life

Brock’s beautiful location in Niagara combines the best of everything. Here you’ll enjoy all the benefits of a comprehensive university, in a convenient, affordable and safe region with beautiful natural surroundings. It is the only university in Canada in a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve, at the centre of Canada’s Niagara Peninsula on the Niagara Escarpment. Niagara offers safe and affordable housing options including individual apartments, and shared student housing that are just minutes from Brock’s main campus. 

A hip place to live, Peterborough has the energy and resources that make it a great university town. With a population of just under 85,000, the City of Peterborough is big enough to offer plenty of things to do. Peterborough is a vibrant, multicultural community with more than 140 arts and culture organizations, including a 700-seat theatre, art galleries, museums, historic sites and other performance spaces. Peterborough has a thriving music scene, including rock, folk, ska, blues and hip hop. More than 70 restaurants that include Mexican, Indian, Italian, Greek, Japanese, Thai, Belgian, and new-world cuisine are located downtown in the happening Bistro District. 
