Germany Work Visa for International Students

How to Get Germany Work Visa: Process, Fees, Types

Currently, Germany is the 5th largest economy in the world. As a center of innovation and research, this country needs about 400,000 skilled migrants every year. Not only does Germany make the quickest visa decisions, but also has a great job market for Engineering and IT professionals. Hence the demand for a Germany work visa is always there.

Also read: Jobs in Germany

Furthermore, Germany has the lowest unemployment rate in Europe, i.e, 3.6%. Most of the largest employers like BMW, Volkswagen, etc offer an average annual salary of 83,000 Euros(73,93,308.00INR). But to earn the same, you would need a Germany work visa. Below we have given a detailed guide on how to get a Germany work visa and settle there. 

Germany Work Visa Vs Work Permit

The document that is required only to enter any foreign country is a visa. But for working in any country, a work permit is needed. Some examples of work permits in Germany are General Work permits, EU Blue cards, and work permits for freelancers.

Germany Work Visa: Benefits

There are multiple benefits of obtaining a German work visa. Some of them are:

  • You can give interviews, analyze the working conditions and opt for the job that suits you best.
  • You will earn according to the set standards of the country, which is a minimum of 9.35 euros per hour. The average monthly salary is 4130 euros. This figure varies according to the hierarchy and sector you are employed in.
  • Upon becoming a permanent resident, you can avail amenities like free education and healthcare.

Types of Germany Work Visa

One of the most popular ways to immigrate to Germany is by receiving the Job Seeker visa.

Job Seeker Visa 

The Job Seeker visa provides an opportunity to enter the country and look for a suitable job within a period of 6 months. Upon securing a job,the candidate can apply for a EU Blue Card. During the visa period, the applicant gets enough opportunity to explore, give several interviews and decide what’s best for him.

Job Seeker visa is available for both internationals and students who wish to pursue their academics in Germany. Here are a few helpful points for your immigration to Germany through a Job-Seeker visa:

  • Apply for the Job Seeker visa and travel to Germany to secure a job.
  • Upon securing a job, apply for an EU Blue Card from within Germany.
  • After completing 5 years of work as a German employee, apply for Germany PR.
  • Apply for German citizenship upon completing 5 years as a PR visa holder.

Eligibility for Job Seeker Visa

  • Candidates must have 15 years of education from a German-recognized institution.
  • Minimum 6 months of work experience is required.
  • Indian applicants must have completed 16 years of education.
  • Standard English language proficiency exams like IELTS/TOEFL are sufficient. You can check out IELTS vs TOEFL if you’re confused about which exam to go for.
  • Financial proof of having funds for 6 months to maintain oneself in Germany. The funds have to be maintained for one month prior to filling the application form.
  • Proof of accommodation for those 6 months.

Here’s a Germany travel & accommodation guide to give you a brief idea about the local transport and other amenities. 

The other permits with which you can work in Germany are EU Blue Card and Temporary Resident Permit.

EU Blue Card

EU Blue card is issued to professionals and skilled workers. This is issued while the applicant is in Germany.

Eligibility for EU Blue Card

Candidates must have a recognized higher education degree and an employment contract with an annual salary of EUR 56,800. If employed in fields like human medicine, engineering, and IT, a salary of EUR 44,304 is required.

This card is issued for the duration of your employment, including additional 3 months, and is limited to a 4-year period. After 33 months, holders of the EU Blue Card may obtain a permanent settlement permit.

Temporary Resident Permit

This type of permit is valid for two years and is issued to those who come to study in Germany. 

Eligibility for TRP

Candidates must have an acceptance letter from a higher educational institute in Germany. Financial proof showing the availability of funds to maintain oneself for a year is also needed.

After finishing your course of study you may extend it for an additional of 18months. Upon securing a job, this permit allows you to work for a period of 120 days.

If you are still unclear on how to find jobs in Germany, you could follow these checklists:

Germany Work Visa: Application Process

The first step to applying for a Germany work visa is to fill the application form and fix an appointment with the embassy. The documents that are required to be put in order are :

  • Passport
  • Copy of passport data page
  • 3 passport pictures with biometric specifications
  • Cover letter explaining your plan-how you plan to find a job, alternative options if you fail to secure a job.
  • Educational transcripts
  • Work experience
  • LOR
  • CV
  • Proof of accommodation
  • Financial proofs- bank statement
  • Language proficiency details
  • Health Insurance 
  • Proof of the citizenship of your home country-birth certificate, marriage certificate, etc

The applicant needs to prepare three sets of documents and must carry original copies at the time of appointment.

You can also consult with Y-Axis services to make your application processes easier.

Germany Work Visa: Application Cost

Germany issues work permits to non-EU foreign nationals for General employment, Specialist professional, and in Self Employed categories. The total Germany work visa cost has been tabulated below:

Germany Job Seeker Visa Cost (Approximate Figures)
Cost Type Fee in EURO(per applicant)
Visa Fee (Subject to change)
Adults 75(6,750 INR)
Minors 0-17 37.50(3,375INR)
Funds Requirement (to be shown in the applicant Bank Account) 4,500(4,50,000INR)
Travel Health Insurance (one time premium for 6 months) 150(13,500INR)
Other Expenses
Air Tickets from India to Germany (per person) 600 65,000
Other Expenses (like documents attestation, VFS charges etc.) 50 5,000
Document verification (approx. minimum amount) 130 10,000-12,000
Total Cost for a Germany Job Seeker Visa Approximately One lakh INR.&

Arriving in Germany

While traveling to Germany, a passenger's incoming card is handed to you on the flight. Fill the card correctly and keep the following documents ready. These would be needed before checking out from the airport:

  • Passport
  • Valid visa
  • A completed passenger incoming card
  • All the supporting documents attached to the visa application

Y-Axis Overseas Consultants

When planning to study in Germany or settling there, it is advisable to get professional help regarding the visa process, registration, application, and other formalities. For this purpose, a student or job applicant can take the help of Y-Axis Overseas Consultants.

Some of the ways in which you can benefit from here while applying for a German work visa are:

  • Complete migration and application processing
  • Documentation and application filing
  • Regular updates about application status and deadlines
  • Medical assistance
  • Visa interview preparation
  • Job assistance, with extra charges

Y-axis also offers complete guidance on German student visas, visitor and business visas.


Ques. Is it easy to get a Germany Work Visa?

Ans. The Visa granting system is well defined and transparent. If you fulfill all the requirements and gather the desired points, you should be able to get the visa. 

Ques. Do the authorities give information on the status of the application

Ans. The visa authorities don’t provide time-to-time information on the process. Once your application is accepted an outcome is conveyed after processing of the application. 

Ques. Can I work in Germany after completing my graduation there?

Ans. Yes, you can complete your education in Germany and then hunt for a job.

Ques. Do I need to learn the German language for Job Seeker Visa?

Ans. The German language is not mandatory to apply for the visa but it is preferable to have knowledge of the German language to work in the country and it definitely adds weightage to your profile. 

Ques. Do I need IELTS/TOEFL to showcase English language proficiency?

Ans. It is not mandatory to show these test scores, If you have studied English as a subject as scored good marks that is also eligible to be considered as English language proficiency. However, a standardized test definitely acts as concrete evidence. Another exam is PTE

Ques. Which are the preferred areas for jobs in Germany?

Ans. Science, Information Technology, Robotics, AI, Mathematics, and Engineering can be listed as preferred areas.


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