Atharv Arora Review at Ludwig Maximilian University Of Munich [LMU], Munich | Collegedunia

Life in LMU Munich

Choosing LMU Munich was a no brainer. Its one of the best university in Germany and Europe. The research makes the backbone and it's worth it.

Course Curriculum :

It's a great course. Unlike even other German universities, I really prefer the curriculum here. You get a lot of freedom to do things and choose your courses and mould your masters in the way you want it to be.

Exams :

An IELTS score of 6 or above will do. GRE not required. A series of rounds including an exam and later an interview are required to be cleared so as to get an admission. IELTS score: 8.

Placement :

It's brilliant in Munich and Germany as the backbone of this country is research. There are plenty of opportunities to work and learn

Internship :

No. Not a paid internship yet.

Fees :

Approx 600€

Scholarship :


Faculty :

The faculty consists of top professors who are really nice and helpful. Working under them has been a hugely learning experience.

Campus Life :

Campus life is really good. The labs, the libraries are all top class. Whole campus is Wifi enabled. The lab equipments are all state of the art.

Hostel :

Accommodation in Munich is usually a bit expensive. Unless you live in a student accommodation which is hard to get. In student accommodations you usually pay a rent in b/w 300 to 400€ while private accommodations can be anywhere b/w 450 to 600€ and so on.

8.0 out of 10