JEE Main 2020: Students in Himachal Pradesh have contradictory views on exam held

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JEE Main 2020 Paper 2 concluded for Day 1. Students in Himachal Pradesh had divided views over the decision for conducting exams as scheduled.

Himachal Pradesh would be holding JEE Main 2020 for 8,397 candidates at 11 centers. 

Few students believed that the exams should have been postponed because of the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic and travel restrictions while another group said that it was the right decision to hold the exams as scheduled. 

Read  JEE Main 2020 B.Arch and B. Planning Paper Analysis Here

62 students appeared for JEE Main 2020 Paper 2 at one of the centers in Shimla. Thermal screening was done for every student. Students were provided with masks and hand sanitizers. Social distancing norms were strictly enforced.

Read  Exam Day Instructions and COVID-19 Advisory for JEE Main 2020.

One of the JEE Main 2020 candidates who appeared for the exam today said that she was happy with the decision of holding the exam as scheduled because delaying could have led to mental stress amongst the students.

Another student, Vikas who appeared for the exma said that it was the right decision to conduct the exam as they had been preparing for the exam for a very long time. He said that even with all the situations because of COVID-19, exams could be conducted taking necessary precautions as this was a last chance for many students who are appearing for the exams and delaying would have blown away their aspirations.

Contrary to these, a few students who appeared for the exam had a different take on the decision. Tanvi, a student who appeared in the exam said that the exams should have been postponed as there is an uprising in the COVID-19 cases in the state and the country and life of students cannot be risked. 

She said that she too had to face travel and accommodation problems and hoped that the exam could have been conducted a little later when the situation was a little better. 

One of the parents at the center in Shimla said that since nothing can be done and we have to live with coronavirus taking the precautions it was the right thing to conduct the exams. Students had been preparing for a very long time and parents had spent a lot of money on coaching of their children.

Check  Student Reaction on JEE Main 2020 B.Arch Paper conducted on Day 1.




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