Karnataka Health Minister Dr K Sudhakar has declared on Saturday that all medical and paramedical colleges affiliated to Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences(RGUHS), would resume their normal classes from December 1, 2020.
These colleges have been shut since March, due to the worldwide pandemic shut down. Now that many states have started planning to reopen of colleges and educational institutions, the Karnataka Government has also set up a date.
Read: MHA: Guidelines To Reopen Schools And Colleges To Be Extended Until November 30
The Minister tweeted, “The Karnataka government has decided to re-open all the medical, dental, AYUSH, paramedical, nursing and pharmacy colleges affiliated to RGUHS from December 1.” He has further asked the administration of colleges and students to strictly adhere to the guidelines issued by the government regarding the precautionary measures to be followed.
Karnataka Government has decided to reopen all the medical, dental,AYUSH, paramedical, nursing and pharmacy colleges affiliated to RGUHS from 1st December. I request the administration of colleges & students 2 strictly adhere to the guidelines issued by the government.@VCRguhs
— Dr Sudhakar K (@mla_sudhakar) November 13, 2020
The department of higher education has formulated SOPs (standardized operating procedures) as per the UGC guidelines. The SOPs include maintaining social distancing considering the number of classrooms available and the number of students. It is mandatory for the students to use masks and sanitizers for attending offline classes.
Read: Karnataka Government issues SOPs for Colleges Reopening from November 17