How good is IIM Raipur, and what is the position amongst the six new IIMs and Shillong?

1 Answer

Abhijeet Singh Posted On - Jan 16, 2023
MBA from Indian Institute of Management Shillong (2019)

Before I compare IIM Raipur with the 6 new IIMs, let me clarify one thing. IIM Shillong belongs to a whole different league so IIM Raipur can be compared to the new IIMs only.

    1. IIM Shillong: It lies at a different level as it is oldest among the new IIMs and is almost considered among the older IIMs. The placement figures are a testament to the fact.
    2. IIM Ranchi: Next in line comes IIM Ranchi which functions under the mentorship of IIM Calcutta. Its placement opportunities are much better than new IIMs.
    3. IIM Trichy: Another fast growing IIM is IIM Trichy. 
    4. IIM Raipur/Udaipur: It is only after Trichy that Raipur is placed. Being situated in the capital city of Chattisgarh, Raipur has a location advantage over Kashipur and Rohtak. The faculty is also top notch and the airports provide connectivity to various parts of the country.
    5. IIM Rohtak/Kashipur: Both these IIMs are at the same level. Kashipur faced a slight location disadvantage, decreasing the changes of guest lectures and Industry and Business Leader interactions. Rohtak has a location advantage of being situated near to the capital but its placements are the worst of all the 6 IIMs.

So one should choose Raipur out of Kashipur/ Raipur/ Udaipur.



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