Commonwealth Rutherford Fellowship: Eligibility, Application and Selection Criteria

Commonwealth Rutherford Fellowship

The Commonwealth Rutherford Fellowship is merit-based which allows talented students from the Commonwealth countries to pursue postdoctoral research in the UK. This is an excellent opportunity for students wanting to study in the UK.

  • Applies to students applying from any of the Commonwealth countries excluding the UK.
    • Includes India, Nepal, etc.
  • Commonwealth Rutherford Fellowship is applicable to specific universities in the UK.
  • Offers research grants up to 2,500 GBP every year.
  • Up to 50 Commonwealth Rutherford Fellowship may be awarded every year
  • Latest deadline is yet to come, not available right now.

Commonwealth Rutherford Fellowship application deadlines are usually around the second week of December every year. However, the exact deadline for this year’s application is yet to be announced.


Scholarship TypeMerit-Based
Offered byGovernment bodies
OrganizationUK Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS)
Application DeadlineN/A
Number of Scholarships50
Amount₹265,974 ($3,105)
RenewabilityOne Time Payment
International Student EligibleYes
Scholarship Website Link

Eligibility Criteria

Commonwealth Rutherford Fellowship applies to international students from the Commonwealth countries interested in spending a year or two at a UK university, such as the University of Oxford, Imperial College London, etc, offering postdoctoral research in the UK.

To be eligible for Commonwealth Rutherford Fellowship, applicants must:

  • Citizen or permanent resident of a Commonwealth country.
    • Except for UK
  • Planning to pursue postdoctoral research at an eligible university in the UK.
    • No restriction on the choice of discipline

Highly skilled and motivated Ph.D. graduates with a proposed research topic that is innovative and will build research collaboration between the UK and other Commonwealth countries have seemed eligible for the fellowship program.

Application Process

Students are must submit all the required documentation within the established deadline to be eligible for the Commonwealth Rutherford Fellowship.

  • The required documents are-
    • a minimum of 2 references. One of these references must be the applicant’s Ph.D. supervisor, failing which the applicant is liable to be disqualified.
    • the Ph.D. certificate
    • Supporting statement from a proposed supervisor in the UK
    • Copy of your passport
    • Valid TOEFL/ IELTS test scores

Applications received after the deadlines will not be accepted by the Commonwealth Scholarship Commission in the UK (CSCUK).

Selection Process

The CSC will consider all eligible candidates on a case by case basis. Since Commonwealth Rutherford Fellowship is merit-based, the most important factors looked for in an application are

  • Academic achievement of the candidate
  • Reference provided by the candidate’s Ph.D. supervisor
  • English Proficiency Test Scores

Grant Details

To support world-class research and innovation, the CSCUK offers Commonwealth Rutherford Fellowship to researchers who can contribute to the UK’s research base. Students must be enrolled in universities like University of Cambridge, University of St. Andrews, University College London.

Around 50 Commonwealth Rutherford Fellowships are awarded annually to students of different academic backgrounds. The Benefits of the fellowship are:

  • 2,500 GBP per annum as research support grant
  • Airfare from the applicant’s home country to the UK at the beginning of their study period and a return ticket from the UK to the student’s home country at the end of the study period
  • 1,627 GBP - 2,019 GBP as stipend (living allowance) depending on the student’s area of residence in the UK
  • A travel allowance of 1,000 GBP per award for approved travel within the UK and overseas

Apart from this, the CSCUK also offers other Commonwealth Scholarships to students of developing countries.

Applicants must make sure that they contact CSCUK to know specific details about the fellowship.