This school is decently priced with a wonderful business program. Their program is the best around the Sacramento region and also put me in the area where I'd be working after graduation. Sacramento State offers a lot of programs to help students.
Course Curriculum
The course curriculum is thorough and fair. Some classes are pretty rough but being able to actually learn what you will be using in the field is very important. Sacramento State has definitely prepared me for my career from their expansive list of courses offered.
The faculty is top notch. Although I have had some bad professors, it is just like any other school. Most professors have a passion for their job and love to help students succeed. I have had professors that I keep in contact with even when I am done with their courses.
Tuition is semester based and is determined by half time or full-time admission. There are also summer and winter intersession courses that can be taken as well. Although college is expensive, Sacramento state has many options for financial aid.