I knew I wanted to study music therapy and Go to school in Missouri. There are only three schools in Missouri who offer music therapy so I chose the one in my own city. They also have the best program in the state and best placement.
Course Curriculum
For the program I am in, music therapy, the curriculum is very difficult but It teaching me all the skills I need to be an exceptional music therapist. Even in my first semester, I was taking classes that apply to my major.
The faculty at my college are all very exceptional and care deeply for the success of their students. I have encountered a few teachers who could have done a better job, but overall I am very pleased with the faculty.
The placements and job opportunities are very good because in St Louis there are so many music therapy organizations and opportunities. Everyone I've talked to has not had any trouble finding job opportunities.
I am a commuter so my only cost is gas. I live 20 min away from campus and don't have a problem getting to school. I have a few friends who live on campus who I can hang out with when I have time or if I need anything.
I took the ACT four times and got a 21 the first time and a 22 the other three times. I did not take any other standardized testing.
Maryville University has many different events throughout the school year. All of the clubs out on events and the major organizations on campus as well. Almost every night there is some type of event happening.
The total cost of the school is 23,000 dollars but with scholarships, I pay 11,000 dollars. I am a commuter so I don't have to pay for housing or food on campus.
I have a scholarship from my GPA that received. The process was simple and all I had to do was fill out a form and they chose me for the scholarship.
Examination Structure
Maryville University has quarterly exams. Some classes have final accumulative final exams, but most classes just have four exams throughout the school semester. The exams cover an appropriate amount of information.