Their kinesiology college allowed me to pursue a bachelors in movement science while completing pre-med requirements. The college accepts freshman so I wouldn't have to waste a year doing basic studies in the main LS&A college, and could sooner focus on interests.
Course Curriculum
Fair, classes are relevant, and electives look great on paper. I wish they offered more of the electives instead of listing 20+ and only offering 3 a semester. If they could do that I would love the school.
Decent faculty. The pros outweigh the cons. Clearly one of the major course professors cares more about her research and doesn't care about being a good teacher because of tenure. But aside from her everyone is great.
SAT, ACT, soon GRE. Scores I do not remember. ACT composite 30 I think. GRE to be taken in this coming fall, August.
Not sure what this is asking or what fees and charges it refers to. I have no fees at this time nor do I expect to be charged.
Examination Structure
Exams are typically over material covered in class. Attendance and copying notes will get the job done most times if you commit to studying it. This will get you passing. If you want to succeed the exams take much more effort and time investments but it is worth it.