The University of Texas at Dallas is an extremely reputable university, that is actually world-renowned. The University of Texas at Dallas is conveniently close to my home (which means I didn't have to live on campus) and it offered the program I was interested in.
Course Curriculum
When it comes to the course curriculum taught at The University of Texas at Dallas, I generally approve, except in two areas. Not all majors need to take one course, in particular, STATS! It is a very specialized course that does not really apply to all majors.
The staff and faculty at The University of Texas at Dallas are extremely dedicated. They are all experts in their fields and are able to impart their applicable industry knowledge on their students.
I lived in an adjacent city to where the campus of The University of Texas at Dallas is located, so I just lived at home with my parents to save a little money, especially considering how high tuition costs are and how low any financial aid provided was. This university is unfortunately all about administering loans!
While The University of Texas at Dallas accepts both the GMAT and the GRE when it comes to graduate student acceptance, I preferred to take the GMAT because it is more socially accepted with Graduate programs, in general.
The University of Texas at Dallas is notorious for celebrating anything and everything! If you walk past the Student Union on any given day, rain or shine, you are sure to find some sort of activity and or celebration going on. They are very diverse is theses celebrations too.
I am not really sure what this question is asking. If it is asking what the cost of tuition is, that's different for every program and/or school. If it is asking what price individual students actually end up paying out of picket, that too is different depending on the student.
While I profusely attempted to apply for every and all scholarships known to man, the university always claimed that they were out of funds.
Examination Structure
The exam structure is fair. While in some universities, such as SMU, exams are administered by TAs and professors have no clue what is going on, that is luckily not the case at The University of Texas at Dallas. It is very equitable.