I'm from the state and was admitted as soon as I applied because of my high school diploma and GPA. Also, they had a music program I could get into. I'm able to pay in state tuition which vastly changes the cost of college!
Course Curriculum
The course curriculum can be little daunting, but the classes broaden the world view. There's a lot of readings and that goes into the courses, though. I always recommend looking into the professors who teach them since not everyone teaches the same.
The music department is full of well qualified musicians. Some can teach really well, but not always. They're there for help when asked, there just needs to be persistence. The Political Science department is full of supportive and realistic professors who are usually easy to contact with.
Renting studios can be expensive, so I rent a large house with other young adults to have lower rent. While apartment hunting I always asked what their student policy was to make sure they accepted students, no all places do.
The only college entrance exam I took was the ACT, as payed for by my high school. I scored a 26 overall.
Welcome Back week's features free food and stuff to greet back the pack. Mackay week celebrates our founder and usually includes off campus activities and free stuff. There's homecoming during football season which has various fun events. Volunteer days/weekends happen throughout the semester to encourage serving others!
There are construction fees, gym fees, fine fees, tech fees, online learning fees if taking online courses, student health fees, and lab fees. Some are per credit while others are a flat charge.
For the music department, there's one audition process and then the following semesters our professors vouch for us. The music department scholarship form is submitted in December and FAFSA must be filled out along with the general university scholarship form by February 1st.
Examination Structure
Starting on the second week of May and December are finals, which start on Thursday and go through the following Wednesday. When to take them can be confusing, so make sure to find out as soon as possible. Midterms take place during normal class hours.