I opted for this particular college because it was fairly close to home, was lower cost compared to others I was looking at and had the best program that I could find for undergrad elementary education. I was the top 15 graduating class of my high school so I had a couple of different options To choose from but this was the best all-around.
Course Curriculum
I think the course curriculum is pretty good and pretty thorough for what you need to know to go into my career.
The student-faculty ratio is around 1:24 which is pretty good sized. It's a smaller college so you reap the benefits from that.
Very good they have a good career services team that always has employers on-campus recruiting for interviews and jobs and internships. Also, many job fairs that you can partake in as well.
I stayed both on campus and commuted because I lived kinda close to campus. Must have a meal plan if on campus don't have to if commuting. Many different dorm options- no dogs or cats allowed as pets
I opted for this program because it was the best out of all the other colleges in my area, or at least the top 3. I took the SATS and received 1698 before they changed the score reporting a few years back. The program has smaller class sizes too which I prefer instead of lectures.
Spirit week, homecoming, friends and family weekend, Boston marathon are some of the events.
It's about $9k a semester in state and a couple of grand more out of state. I'm sure there are scholarships plenty for both regular and international students, I paid for school out of pocket and got help from FAFSA as I was able. I had scholarships for my freshman year but not after that.
Examination Structure
The exam structure is either online, scantron or blue book depending on what your professor wants to do.