The diversity of premed resources including a close hospital with ample undergraduate research opportunities, shadowing and clinical volunteering, and strong pre-professional advising experience getting people into medical school.
Course Curriculum
I have loved my biology classes although the requirement for physics is unnecessary. I think having more electives offered to underclassmen would improve morale and lead to a greater camaraderie among people of the same major.
They're approachable and friendly. Most conduct research and love talking about it when asked at office hours. Aside from one or two, they have been available to meet at your convenience.
Job opportunities are great because we have such a strong reputation and alumni network. The pre-professional office offers resume services, advising for graduate school and programs tailored to career opportunities as early as freshman year.
SAT and two SAT subject tests, one for history and for biology. I also took AP tests for my high school classes.
Tuition runs 50-60k depending on whether you have on campus meal plan/residence. Other charges include printing, pre-professional advising, tutoring, etc.
Examination Structure
Most classes have 3 major exams with one final at the end of the semester. Each exam is not cumulative but does build upon previous material. The final is generally cumulative. Lab courses tend to have weekly quizzes instead.