It is in the city and it also has a campus. This was very important to me when I came from Michigan. I loved that I would be able to access the opportunities from the city and also be somewhat close to home.
Course Curriculum
It is alright, some teachers are very difficult to deal with at times. Many teachers seem to not understand that students take other classes aside from theirs. This makes exams difficult as well as papers.
Many are very kind while some are only here because they still have tenure with the school. Many teachers are very rude and harsh graders yet are still allowed to work.
There are no placement and job opportunities if you do not have a federal work-study. While you can get jobs in the city they are far away and to make it you would have to pay for transportation. This makes it so many students don't work.
I had a roommate who moved out and so I got extra space in our small triple. This school overbooked students and converted doubles into triples. While I like our space many students suffer from a limited area.
SAT, ACT these are the only ones I took before college. I took APUSH, AP Chem, and AP bio but did not use those scores.
There are many events at the school including extracurricular, clubs, and more. I did a de-stress breakfast event and it was very fun. I also get free food quite often from pretending to be in clubs I'm not in.
This school is very expensive from paying for water to paying for the trash cans you are paying for every cent spent.
I have a couple of scholarships but this school is too much money. I am in great debt. While they have many scholarships they tend to go to the overprivileged athletes.
Examination Structure
It is very hard many classes only have exams. Some classes allow for presentations but many classes only use the exam to decide their grades. It is sad when this happens because many students suffer from bad grades.