This university is surrounded by three great hospitals that provided good research and internship opportunities. They also provided me with a merit scholarship. For these reasons, I decided to attend CWRU.
Course Curriculum
The curriculum was challenging and time-consuming but covered topics in depth. Some courses were unnecessarily challenging and went into more detail than was necessary. Because of this, students are often overworked.
The faculty are sometimes very helpful but a lot of them are very researched focused so they don't pay as much attention to their students in their classes and what they need.
I took the ACT when I was in high school and received a score of 31. I also took the GRE and scored in the 80th percentile.
Fees depended on your scholarships and grants. All fees were charged at once at the beginning of each semester to be paid in full. This included any housing or meal plan fees a student may have.
Examination Structure
It depends on the course. Some courses are all multiple choice while some are a mix of multiple choice, short and long answer. Many of the science and math classes had short answer problems to solve.