It's the leading program in this field and I couldn't find it anywhere else. Very detailed and good instruction at Cornell's ILR School in Ithaca, NY about 4 hours from New York City. There are plenty of resources.
Course Curriculum
It is very beneficial. I learn a great deal because the curriculum is very well managed. We study labor, economics, human resources, and many other studies. It is a flexible curriculum allowing me to also take Farsi.
They are experts in their field. They really know what they are doing and some of them even went here at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York, United States of America themselves. They are familiar with the landscape.
Very good and excellent. People expect to do very well when they graduate. Graduates are among the highest paid and people do very well. I know many young graduates and they are enjoying how Cornell prepared them.
The dorms are very nice. However, the dorms vary in quality with many nice dorms on West Campus and many nice dorms on North Campus and many nice dorms yet to be built however there are some not so nice dorms.
ACT: 32. I only took the ACT because I thought I could do well on it. It was a straightforward test and I enjoyed the material. I took it on a Saturday at my high school. My high school offers ACT testing.
There are many events celebrated. It all depends on which students celebrate which events. Many students celebrate various holidays and there is quite a lot of fanfare around popular holidays. There is also a Slope day.
They charge a very large amount of money for tuition. The tuition is very expensive and perhaps unaffordable. They charge more money for tuition than most other schools, especially New York State schools.
I have some financial aid to make education more affordable. This would be difficult without financial aid. They are good about aid but the process includes filling out lots of paperwork.
Examination Structure
It depends on the class. Some classes have night preliminary examinations while others have day time preliminary examinations. It always depends on the professor. The professor is the determiner of when the exams are.