This was the only school that offered me a scholarship for my grades and position I was in. Also, Southeastern was the only college with special education as a Major that I could find! Last but not least, I knew the Lord was calling me there.
Course Curriculum
I have thoroughly enjoyed the Bible classes I have had the chance to take for my religion minor as well as education courses. I think that the majority of my courses have been interesting and engaging for myself and other students.
I honestly think that the professors we have at SEU are some of the greatest people. I love that I go to a college where I can pray before class with my teachers, be real with them and receive a positive, understanding approach to real-life events.
I have taken the SAT three times in high school. Then, once I got into college I have taken FTCE exams for my major at least twice for every subject that is required of me to pass.
The first fee is a housing deposit. As a student, you will pay for dorm, Chartwells dining (aka a meal plan), Fire card, and laundry. Everything else is an exception or added if needed.
Examination Structure
The exams are varied by Professor and curriculum. There can be multiple choice, online, open notes/book, or oral. The structure really just depends on who you get as a professor. The ones that provide a study guide have proven to be most helpful.