Scholarships were the main reason I chose this college as well as my friends who attended there and the location that was close to home but far enough. I also liked the marketing program and business college where I went to school.
Course Curriculum
Depending on the course some curriculum was thorough and thought very well. For example, my accounting courses had a great curriculum and the professor let us learn in multiple ways so that every student could learn.
Some faculty members were kind and invested in the students and those were the best professors and faculty. However, those who were only there for a job and not passionate about teaching and students were teachers who would deter me from the university.
The career center is very helpful in finding job opportunities and internships. If you are an engineer you are required to do co-op and they help prepare you for interviews and get you placed somewhere every other semester.
SAT, ACT, College Exams to have credit for school as well as AP classes including history, chemistry, environmental science, statistics, English, and English 2.
Homecoming and the International Fashion show are two big events celebrated at the University of Louisville. We also would celebrate winter break and welcome week for new students coming to campus. These are week-long celebrations with multiple events.
Tuition and board were the main fees other than books. The charges were competitive to other colleges but with my scholarship these costs were minimal.
Examination Structure
Exams happen quarterly, midterm and finals. Most classes follow the same structure of testing. Once you get into more core classes the exams can be more spread out as well as less depending on the course. The language courses have more oral exams or listening exams than written exams.