Theoretical, mathematical, and computational approaches to these fields are emphasized in the Systems Biology BS program. Individual research projects form a significant part of the curriculum for many undergraduates in all programs, and are specifically required for students in the Biology BS program. Advanced biology majors may register, with permission, for graduate-level courses in the department and in the School of Medicine.The department offers programs leading to the BA and BS degrees. Thirty hours of biology are required for the Biology BA, 39 hours for the Biology BS, and 30 hours for the Systems Biology BS. Ordinarily, all students begin their biology programs in the freshman year. All students must complete the SAGES seminar and General Education Requirements (GER) of the College of Arts and Sciences. While some BIOL courses serve as SAGES Departmental Seminars or SAGES Capstones, none of these are required courses for biology degree candidates, with the specific exception of BIOL 388S Undergraduate Research - SAGES Capstone for the Biology BS degree. A Biology BA student, for example, is free to take a non-BIOL SAGES Departmental Seminar or SAGES Capstone course, assuming that prerequisites are met (or waived by the instructor).