Samuel Rosenberg Review at Macquarie University [MQ], Sydney | Collegedunia

Samuel's Life at Macquarie University

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Samuel Rosenberg
Reviewed on Sep 23, 2019

The open day for Macquarie was sub-par, to say the least, but its potential accessibility, quality of education, and unit offerings made it an attractive option. I ultimately chose to attend this university for its convenient location and career prospects. I applied for 6 universities and was offered places for five. Whilst my ATAR was not spectacular, bonus points pushed me above the line in nearly every case. The enrollment process for Macquarie seemed difficult, but comprehensive. I noted its 'backwardness' and lack of intuitive design, but acknowledged its support that seemed to be missing from other options I explored.I chose this programme for its applicability to my diplomatic plans. I always intended to go into International Relations or something close to it, and International Studies seemed perfect. Compulsory units tend to rely less on exams and more on internal assessments, which has proven to be a great stress reliever. I enjoy participating in class discussions and the programme has catered well to my wants and needs.

Course Curriculum


I enjoy participating in class discussions and the curriculum has catered well to my wants and needs. I enjoy the compulsory and elective units and find it to be of great interest and use.



The Faculty of Arts is enormous and well-supported. It tends to focus on the students far more than I expected, and the security and safe environment that is built within its facilities and courses are reassuring and comforting. There are enough staff to answer and questions and sit individually with students outside of class, and enough clarity to avoid excessive confusion within faculty courses and units.




The tuition fees for my programme run just over $4,000 per year with Commonwealth assistance (HECS-HELP). Scholarships are plenty and widely-offered through the University and through UAC. Specific scholarships depend on criteria being met (home country, dependency status, living arrangements etc.).

Examination Structure

The exams tend to be either internal (outside of the exam period) or within the final exam period. For my units, I have several internal assessments and exams for some units during the exam period, depending on the unit level.