This college is well known for its science program. I went to have a look at the facilities at multiple colleges prior to my application and found that the technology and facilities of my colleagues were more up-to-date.
Course Curriculum
I believe the course curriculum is highly relevant and will help me to gain the skills and knowledge I need to enter the workforce in my field (science). However, the workload is quite heavy, with many more contact hours and tasks in my faculty than in others.
The faculty is highly regarded as the college is well known for its science programs. The science faculty at my college is quite large in comparison to others.
I sat the QCS test (Queensland Core Skills Test) in order to obtain an OP (overall position) ranking for university entrance.
Fees are able to be out onto a HECS loan, meaning I do not have to pay for my full tuition until I earn a salary above a certain threshold. There was an amenities charge of ~$150 AUD which I paid outright instead of putting on HECS. Clubs and societies have individual fees but these are not compulsory to join.
Examination Structure
The exam structure varies between subjects. However, there are generally at least two major exams per semester (one mid-semester and one at the end of each semester) which vary in length. All my subjects also have small weekly quizzes throughout the semester.