Impressive reputation and is highly ranked world wide. It is also a university that a big majority of international students opt to attend, which also indicates its prestige. I also picked this university because of the clubs available as my undergrad university did not have any extracurricular activities.
Course Curriculum
It was a very in-depth program that really aided and equipped me for a career in research. It was also quite difficult as I had not studied at university for quite some time after I completed my undergraduate studies.
The staff at this university are very experienced as the majority of them have either been working at the University of Queensland or other universities for over 10 years. They are very knowledgeable and can easily answer questions or guide you to someone best suited for your needs.
Because I am an Australian citizen, I opted to pay via HECS. This payment will begin once I am earning a certain amount of salary.
Examination Structure
There were two types of exams: Practical exams and theoretical exams. The practical exams were held in the laboratories with objects with which they were tested on, while the theoretical exams were held in large classrooms.