Due to its high ranking in the technology department, my dad and mum also attended this University. It has a diverse range of Engineering Majors and it had the one I wanted. It has a great exchange and study abroad programs.
Course Curriculum
I did the diploma first year and it was quite difficult as some teachers didn't know how to present the curriculum. I am in the second year now and it's mainstream, the tuitions are a lot better and there are fewer contact hours. It's also very helpful that all our lectures are recorded in case we can't make it we are able to still keep up to date.
There's always good and bad in our faculty, I have had many experienced teachers but also some others that have no idea how to teach and just read off of slides.
I believe that the placements are really good and a majority of people who graduate land a job. We are also able to add an extra year on our course and do a whole year in the workforce paid which is obviously amazing for our CV and experience.
I live in a share house for about 20 minutes on public transport from University. I pay $805 a month and Centrelink pays for this. I know that to live on campus, a minimum of $250 per week and that's to live in a 4 bedroom apartment if you want fewer people you pay more.
Atar, took my first-year university exams, calculus, linear and algebra, structural mechanics, energy and motion, all with a destination or higher.
We just celebrated Holi, st Patrick?s day. Our University is so diverse that they put on as many events and celebrations as possible to accommodate many of the international students. We have a big o-week that has so much food and activities as well. There's also after exams party's, etc.
It is about $8.5k a year but it goes up a little bit per year. There are also student amenities fees and they are on average about $150 a semester. We are able to put this all on our HECS which starts to be paid off once we get a full-time job.
No, I haven't, I was going to apply for scholarships this year but unfortunately, I missed the cutoff date. It's quite difficult to prove you need financial aid, you need to provide so many documents.
Examination Structure
Very good, it?s majorly spread out. This semester I only have 2 exams as the other 2 units are presentation based. The exam period goes over about a month and we always have SWOTVAC as well. The diploma however puts all 3/4 exams into one week which was quite difficult as we were studying for so many exams in such a small amount of time.