I read that the class sizes were smaller which would provide me with better interactions with professors. The nursing program there is spectacular with a great simulation program to allow students to act out real-life situations on a fake patient.
Course Curriculum
The course curriculum is good however many of the classes taught were common sense (ethics, leadership, etc.). I learned everything I know from labs and from my clinical practice, not from the courses.
The nursing faculty at my university are either spectacular. Some professors put information on the tests that were not in lecture slides or in the textbooks, as well as some professors mark essays extremely hard (for example I received a 60% because I did not use enough 'imaginative words'). Other professors are amazing and helped me succeed and graduate with honors.
I had to pay for silly fees such as 'front door maintenance', five different school wifi's, to support school clubs (which I did not take part in), and many other things. Even when I did a summer course online from home and did not go to school once I was still required to pay these fees.
Examination Structure
Exam period starts either December or April (depending on the semester) typically exams are spread out relatively well and there are options to move exams for specific reasons. My nursing exams are all multiple choice, however, most English classes write essays for their final.