Studied in Israel for Highschool, had a hard time readjusting back to learning in English. Carleton has a program where you are a full time student, but take 3 courses with extra tutorials and support. It brought my grades up to par and I was accepted into my program. I also knew that financially, it made more sense to be at home. I was originally in international business, where I was to do an exchange, but I swapped into a bcom in order to pursue entrepreneurship. I am keeping my minor in German.
Course Curriculum
unbalanced and repetitive
Some bad apples but typically good. Sometimes I have been stuck with the decision to drop a class and lose money versus continuing trying to teach myself. (A 4 in 1 math/Econ class for example) it?s incredibly frustrating as even if I worked full time, I couldn't afford that.
I believe most on campus jobs are minimum wage, but some higher wages are available. For example, the mentor program was $15/hr. I believe it differs based on how involved the university is involved as the university supports these companies financially in most cases.
Off campus as mentioned above, until I moved out last year. Financially challenging but I would rather struggle financially than struggle with control or power over my own day. (Family involved/controlled me and I walked on eggshells because I wanted to go to the gym, study or was at work.) mental health has no price in comparison.I am doing much better on my own in all other ways imaginable.
My total credits initially weren't transferable, even though I was a few years ahead academically in mathematics and sciences. Most entry GPAs were also too competitive and high considering my grades when I struggled with studying in English again when I got back to Canada after high school. I remember being off by .02% and then giving me a hard time with admissions.
I don?t typically attend events
$7,500-$8,000 for a year. At Carleton,different loans and scholarships etc are available and can be won with certain qualifications /found online. You can also speak with your academic advisor in order to learn more, or on campus financial aid services. In my first year, I won a bursary. This was based on grades and I was nominated too, in the small program I was in with extra support.
OSAP. Complicated and inconsistent amounts
Examination Structure
Depends on the course! Different places, times, styles etc differ on the prof, class and year.