This university has so many intelligent, engaging, and helpful professors that understand their students and are willing to help them in any way they can. Their classes are interesting, and they are available every week before or after class to discuss any problems you may have.
Course Curriculum
The curriculum differs from Prof, so each class is different in that sense. Some are amazing, and some have no clue what they're doing. It's beneficial to have professors who give you the right amount of readings and assignments so you aren't struggling throughout the semester.
There are so many professors that I love at university. They are very helpful in and outside of class.
It's completely ridiculous that they got rid of OSAP as a way to pay for schooling. It is unfair to the people that work hard but can not afford to pay for their education. For some time now, university and college have been overpriced.
Examination Structure
The exam structure differs between programs. I am in English and Communications, so there is a lot of writing in one and little to no writing for the other. I find some professors make their exams very short, and some very long.