I choose to attend York university as it is a highly esteemed university that is known throughout the world. York University is one of the highest acclaimed schools for History in Canada and they are excellent for educators which is my other program that I am currently enrolled in.
Course Curriculum
It is challenging but if you put in the work you can excel. The professors and T.As help when you need them and the projects are daily straight forward the exams are carefully thought out and allows the student time to prepare.
The faculty is extremely helpful they are always available when needed and they have clear and well thought out lessons that are meant to be understood by all students.
The job opportunities and Placements at York Univeristy are not bad. For teaching it is first come first serve for the school district you choose for placement, but for jobs on campus they are various and many are offered each school year.
I live at home as the school is not far, but I do commute to school almost everyday I rather live at home as I save on expenses, get a hot meal every night, I'm familiar with my surroundings and I get to be with my family.
None of the above the entry score is 75-80 average the university is Canadian therefore there is no entry level test like the SAT
The college has many events sports events are big at our school, but they also have many inclusive clubs that strive to include all people. The clubs the school has are many international clubs, but also local clubs such as Student council, rally organizers and Salsa Club.
York University is very expensive to attend even with the government funding. OSAP has been used by melself and many other students to help with the price of University.
I have applied to OSAP and have got a scholarship for 500 dollars to the school. The 500 dollars was given to students across Ontario the for achieving a certain average.
Examination Structure
The exam structure is organized and effective. Professors and Teaching assistants will walk the class room constantly to make sure no one is cheating. The exam is a standard exam multiple choice, Short answers and essays and the Professors give you a lot of time to study before the exam is given.