Because of this picturesque place and Cape Breton being a welcoming place. Moreover my course only had 6 accredited colleges and Cape Breton University is one of them. So why not take full advantage of the area and study at the same time whilst being within the community and growing up. One of the best decision ever made.
Course Curriculum
The course curriculum was filled with extremely difficult, difficult and not so difficult courses all throughout my 2 years of study. I had the choice of choosing from all fall and or winter courses. Took the Summers off both times to take rest.
No with more and more students coming in they're hiring more faculty which is good to maintain the facility's faculty student ratio at its best. We also have great many graduate assistants working with professors all year long especially summer months!
Didn't have any campus placement, all they had we're for part time jobs as these are difficult to come by here. Basically once you graduate you're on your own. And then you try hard to come out with flying colors.
Campus accomodations were exhorbitantly priced with no meal plans where as off campus housing opened more opportunities for students to mingle with the community itself. I loved being within the community.
For IELTS I scored a 8 which opened more for me. Credits were around 150-180 as I had to complete 20 courses. I have an undergraduate degree in Food process engineering so the closest to a inspector is becoming a public health inspector and hence here in this beautiful place. This feels like meant to be.
Not many events are festivities but they did have a Chinese new year, multiculturalism day and Diwali celebrations.
There are no scholarships available for international students on enrollment however once you complete a year with certain credits and if you score above 80% you get 1000 remittance to your student account. I did complete my first year with 81% but didn't receive any but my second year I scored 79.2% and that is the year they calculated.
No, I didn't.
Examination Structure
Pretty strenuous but also amazing. I love the fact that assignments do count too.