Affordable and easy to get to. Appropriate courses and a great environment to start a college career in. Does not require me to move out or made great lifestyle changes. It was a rational choice.
Course Curriculum
Too broad, the curriculum seems not focused on the subject of interest, rather they want to fill up time using pedantic portfolio classes and irrelevant courses. In terms of classes specifically.
Great, works hard and due to class size, you are able to communicate more effectively with them. Expect some horrible ones, but generally, faculty is very interested in seeing you succeed.
I just took the provincial exams required in BC. I have taken multiple exams in my college career, most grades ranging from 76-90 percentage.
Fees are due two weeks into each semester which is a great detriment. The price is generally alright an average of 450-600 dollars is to be expected for 3-4 credit classes.
Examination Structure
It depends on the professor, but most in the Arts department stray from scantrons or multiple choice. Expect essays. Long answer questions are common with not a lot of options to just blindly memorize and regurgitate.