Had a great program and scholarship! Child and youth studies is exactly what I would like to go for and it was offered as a 3-year degree which is fantastic. The size of Brock is also perfect for me and it just felt like the right place.
Course Curriculum
It is well laid out and organized. The first-year courses cover a lot of great basis for general knowledge on subjects such as psychology and sociology. The teachers are really understanding and personable so they want to get to know you.
I am not very involved in faculty activities or outreach but as far as I know, they are approachable, easy going and welcoming. Social science faculty really focuses on making connections.
Tuition cost $6000 roughly (plus scholarship), parking passes are $400 each and $250 is charged for optional medical coverage.
The scholarship was offered at acceptance. This made it really nice and easy for me and I automatically received the money in my Brock account.
Examination Structure
Mostly multiple choice for midterms and a variety of options for finals which is great. It takes place in a large, natural lit gym which is fantastic and teachers ensure you are well prepared with study guides, after hours and emails.