Bachelor of Education [B.Ed] (Part Time) From CDOE, Chandigarh

Chandigarh, ChandigarhDistance EducationEstd 1971 Panjab University Chandigarh, Chandigarh
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Bachelor of Education [B.Ed] 
first year fees:  ₹38,976
2 YearsPart Time
(Based on 112 views last year)
20 Students have shown interest in the last 30 days
Years (2023 - 2024)year 1year 2
Tuition fees₹26121₹12855₹24321₹13405
Semester Wise Fees₹26121₹12855₹24321₹13405
Yearly Fees38,97637,726

View Previous Year Fees

Years year 1year 2
Tuition fees₹23401₹12855₹21621₹13405
Semester Wise Fees₹23401₹12855₹21621₹13405
Yearly Fees36,25635,026

Eligibility Criteria

The following categories of candidates are eligible to apply for admission.
(i) Trained in–service teachers in elementary education.
(ii) Candidates who have completed an NCTE-recognized teacher education program through face-to-face

A person who possesses the following qualifications shall be eligible to join the course:
1. The candidates who entered in teaching profession on the basis of a Diploma/ Certificate in
primary/elementary teacher training and are intended to improve their competence by obtaining
degree in a secondary teacher training program can take admission to a B.Ed (ODL) program,
provided they have graduation/post-graduation degree in humanities/science/social science/commerce with
minimum 50% marks or degree in engineering/technology with specialization in science and mathematics
with a minimum of 55% marks.
2. Candidates who have completed NCTE-recognized teacher training programs face-to-face
mode and not in the teaching profession are also eligible for admission in the B.Ed (ODL) program provided
they possess graduation/post-graduation degrees in humanities/science/social science/commerce with
minimum 50% marks or degree in engineering/technology with specialization in science and mathematics
with minimum 55 % marks
3. In case of students belonging to Scheduled Castes/ Scheduled Tribes/ Backward Class/Person with
Disabilities (PwD), the requirement of 50 % marks shall be reduced by 5% provided they have
obtained minimum pass marks prescribed by the regulations.

Course Details

The Students are required to pay the following fee as applicable to them along with the mentioned fee:

1) Continuation Charges Rs. 100/- (To be paid by only candidates already registered with this University).

2) Registration Fee = Rs. 1000/- (To be paid by candidates not already registered with Panjab University.

3) Eligibility Fees = Rs. 75/- (To be paid by those candidates who have passed the lower examination from the University/Board other than Panjab University.

4) Migration Fees = Rs. 1000/- (To be paid by those candidates who have passed the lower examination from other Universities and Boards except CBSE, ICSE, PANJAB, HARYANA & HIMACHAL BOARD.

5) Special Fees = Rs. 275/- (To be paid only by those candidates who apply for admission from a place outside the jurisdiction of PU (i.e. Dist. Ludhiana, Hoshiarpur, Moga, Muktsar, Tehsil of Faridkot, Ferozepur, and Chandigarh are in the jurisdiction of Panjab University).

6) Rs. 300/- will be charged from each student as an online admission fee except for SC/ST/PWD, for these candidates the fee is Rs. 150/-.

7) Admission form fee of Rs. 75/- to be charged only for the courses, if any, the admission to which is not online.

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