CAT Mock Test 2022 (Out): Direct Links for Official Mock Test

CAT 2022 Mock Tests have been released online on the official website i.e. The authority has released separate CAT 2022 Mock Test links for Non-PwD, Blindness/ Low Vision, and Other PwD candidates. CAT 2022 official mock tests contain selected questions from previous years' papers. The aim of providing the mock test is to familiarize the candidates with different types of questions generally asked in CAT. Also Check CAT Previous Year Question Papers

​The total time duration of CAT 2022 Mock test is 120 minutes with a sectional time limit of 40 minutes. The official links of the mock tests for CAT 2022 are provided below so that candidates can directly access them. Candidates can also solve previous year’s official CAT mock tests from links provided below.

CAT 2022 Mock Test Official

Particulars CAT 2022 Official Mock Test 
CAT 2022 Mock Test Mock Test Link
CAT 2022 Mock Test - For PwD Candidates (Blindness and Low Vision) Mock Test Link
CAT 2022 Mock Test - For Other PwD Candidates Mock Test Link

Quick Links:

CAT 2021 Mock Test Official 

Particulars CAT 2021 Official Mock Test 
CAT 2021 Mock Test Mock Test Link
CAT 2021 Mock Test - For PwD Candidates (Blindness and Low Vision) Mock Test Link
CAT 2021 Mock Test - For Other PwD Candidates Mock Test Link

Quick Links:

How to Access CAT Mock Test by IIM?

To access CAT Mock Test Online candidates can follow the steps mentioned below:

CAT Mock Test

Step 1: Visit the official website 

  • Candidates can check the availability of CAT mock test series by visiting the official website. 
  • The link of CAT mock test series is activated on the official website and all the candidates can access it. 

Step 2: Click on Link and Login

  • Click on CAT Mock Test link and a new window will appear. 
  • Click on ‘Sign in’ to access the same.

Step 3: Read the Instructions and Start the test

  • Instructions will appear on your screen. 
  • Read all the instructions carefully. All the instructions will be similar to the final CAT paper. 
  • The instruction includes points like how to answer the questions, what will be marking scheme, etc.
  • After reading all the instructions, click on “I am ready to begin”.
  • You will start immediately after clicking that button. 

Quick Links:

How to Answer MCQs in CAT Online Test Series?

CAT 2021 Mock Test Official
  • The first question will appear on your screen and if you do not want to answer that question then you can click on or select any question number from the questions palette. 
  • If you are confident that the answer is correct then click on “save and next” tab and the next question will be displayed on the screen.
  • If you are not very confident about your answer then click on the tab “Mark for Review & Next”. 
  • In case the candidate does not choose any option, then the answer to that question will not be saved.
  • The same will be applicable in the final CAT 2022 examination. 
  • The test comprises of three sections. Each section is allotted 40 minutes to solve the questions. For PwD category candidates, 40 minutes are allotted for each section.
  • Once the mock test starts, the timer on the top right corner on the screen will also start. On completion of 40 min i.e. when the timer will be 00:00, the particular section will be locked and the candidates will be directed to the next section.
  • It is to be noted that the candidates will not be able to navigate to other section before 40 minutes, i.e., in case a candidate completes the section within 40 minutes then he/she have to wait for the time to complete.
  • Once the candidate has completed one section and transferred to another section, they won’t be able to change theri responses of the previous section.
  • Candidates can mark their responses through the on-screen keyboard.
  • Using the “Save and Next” option, candidates can switch to another question. Candidates may also jump into another question by clicking on the question number given on the question palette.
  • All the attempted and unattempted questions will be displayed on the question palette on the right corner of the screen.
  • Below given is the status and their meaning for all the questions.

Also Check:

Status of Answers/Questions in CAT 2022 Mock Test

Color on Question Number What does it Mean?
Gray You have not visited the question
Red You have visited the question but not answered it
Green You answered the question but have not flagged it as marked for review
Purple You have not answered the question but flagged it as marked for review
Purple with Green You answered the question as well as flagged it as marked for review

CAT 2022 Mock Test FAQs

Ques. Where can I get the official CAT 2022 mock test?

Ans. The official CAT 2022 mock test is now available online on the official website of CAT 2022. The direct link to access the same is also provided in this article.

Ques. Can a candidate access the official CAT 2022 mock test without registering for the exam?

Ans The official CAT mock tests are accessible to all the candidates. No login credentials are required to take the mock test. 

Ques. What is the benefit of CAT 2022 mock test?

Ans. Practicing CAT 2022 mock test is beneficial in improving speed and accuracy in solving the question paper. It helps candidates analyze their level of preparation and work on weaker areas.

Ques. How many CAT mock tests should a candidate practice to score well in the entrance?

Ans. Candidates are advised to take at least 10-15 mock tests so that they can analyze their level of preparation and work on weaker areas. This will help in identifying gaps in the preparation.

Ques. How many CAT mock tests should a candidate attempt in a day?

Ans. It is usually advised that a candidate should solve only one CAT mock test in a day. Post solving the mock test, the candidate can analyze their performance and identify sections or topics that need additional focus and preparation. Usually, candidates find CAT Quantitative Ability section to be the hardest among the three.

Ques. When should a candidate start solving CAT mock tests?

Ans. Candidates should start solving mock tests after completing CAT syllabus. Usually, October is considered to be the ideal month to start solving CAT mock tests.

Ques. What is the benefit of solving sectional CAT mock tests?

Ans. Since there have been certain changes in CAT Exam Pattern, solving sectional CAT mock tests will help candidates in understanding the new exam pattern in detail. Candidates will only have 40 minutes to solve one section. 

Ques. Do coaching institutes also provide online mock tests for CAT preparation?

Ans. Yes. Several MBA coaching institutes provide online CAT mock tests to their students. Aspirants can use those mock test and other CAT Practice Papers to prepare. 

Ques. How can a candidate analyze his/ her performance after solving CAT mock test?

Ans. After attempting each CAT mock test, a candidate must check how many questions he/ she could solve accurately in the given time, questions on which topics took more time to solve, how much time it took to read the RC passages and which were the questions they could not attempt. This would give them an idea about the topics or sections that need more practice. 

Ques. Are CAT mock tests exactly like the actual exam?

Ans. Yes. Since the actual purpose of CAT mock tests is to prepare the candidate for the final exam, mock tests are exactly like the actual exam. 

Ques. Will there be a sectional time limit in the CAT mock test too?

Ans. Yes. Just like actual CAT 2022, the mock tests too will have a sectional time limit. This would make sure that the candidates are able to manage their time well which would help on November 27, 2022.

Ques. How are CAT mock tests different for PwD candidates?

Ans. IIM Indore has also released official CAT mock test for PwD candidates. Candidates with a low vision will be given 60 minutes to solve each section. This means that they will be provided additional 20 minutes for each section to answer the question.