NEET Mock Test, Availability, Benefits, and Tips by Experts

NEET Mock Tests are available at the official website of NTA i.e. After visiting the official website you have to click on the students’ tab to access the subject-wise NEET Mock Test. By taking these NTA NEET mock tests, the candidates can get familiar with the NEET Exam Pattern and can prepare a schedule keeping the pattern in mind.

Other than official NEET mock tests by NTA candidates can also check and download the chapter-wise NEET question bank provided by NTA. Read the article to know more about how to access NEET Mock Test, tips from toppers, and much more. 

Download NEET Previous Year Question Paper for all paper codes

NEET Official Mock Test

NEET Official Mock Test by NTA

Steps to Access NEET Mock Test

  • Visit the official website and click on the students' tab. 
  • After that click on the link for Mock Test.
  • Select the exam you would like to appear in from the drop-down menu i.e. NEET.
  • Select the paper from Physics, Chemistry, and Biology. 
  • Click on “Start Mock Test”.
NEET Mock Test

NEET Mock Test Instructions/ Procedure in Detail

  • Since NEET is a pen and paper based test, whereas mock tests are available online, it is essential to create an exam-like environment as much as possible.
  • Be seated at an isolated place so that you don’t need to get disturbed in between the mock test.
  • Get a separate OMR Sheet so that you can pen down your answers on it. This OMR sheet is provided while giving the test; you can get in from the nearest stationery shop).
  • Keep an alarm clock near you so that you can set the time.
  • Once you are ready, open a NEET mock test available at the official website of NTA.
  • Start solving the question paper and keep marking the correct answers on the OMR Sheet (Offline mock). In case you are giving an online mock at NTA, you can mark the answers directly below the questions.
  • For the online mock tests at NTA, the test will be automatically submitted once the time ends.
  • The candidates taking the online mock test at NTA will get the results immediately after the completion of the test.
  • While taking the online NTA mock test, the candidates can choose from their preferred language (including English and Hindi)
  • On the left side of the screen, there are different color boxes that have their own relevance:

Answer Status for Questions in NEET Mock Test

Button Colour Status of the Button Pressed
Gray You have not visited the question yet
Red You have not answered the question
Green You have answered the question
Purple You have NOT answered the question, but have marked it for review
Purple with a green tick You have answered the question but marked it for review.
  • Once you have read all the instructions you can proceed further, in case you have not clicked you will not be moved to the next screen.
  • Once you have submitted all the answers, you will be asked whether you are sure that you want to submit the test as after that no changes can be made once you have submitted the mock test.
  • After that the results will be displayed on the screen with all the correct answers, wrong answers and questions that are left unanswered.

Quick Links:

Gujarat Board Question Bank

Gujarat board’s Question Bank on NEET

Last year Gujarat State Board had released the chapter-wise question bank for each subject of NEET. Students can access the question bank online, the question paper is available in both Gujarati and English medium. The official website to access the online tests is

Click on the following links to access NEET question bank for preparation. 

Advantages of Mock Tests

Advantages of Attempting NEET Mock Tests

The candidates spend unlimited hours, days or even months to prepare for NEET and while preparing for the test, the Mock tests play a vital role in preparing in a more systematic way. The importance of taking NEET Mock Test is explained below:

  • With the help of NEET Online Mock Test, the candidates get familiarized with the actual exam pattern and can prepare accordingly for the same.
  • By taking more mock test of NEET, the candidates can get to know about their strengths and weaknesses.
  • The mock tests are designed to ramp up the speed and accuracy of the candidates as both are important to obtain a higher score.
  • By solving more paper of NTA NEET, the candidates get to understand the difficulty level of the exam and can prepare a strong strategy after considering their performance in the test.
  • Similar to the sample papers, practice papers, last years’ papers of NEET, mock tests also play an important role in utilizing the time effectively and completing the paper within the mentioned time limit only.
Topper & Expert tips

Topper and Expert tips on how much time to be devoted to mock tests

With the help of NEET mock tests, the aspirants can get familiar with the latest exam pattern and get a broadened understanding about their strengths and weaknesses as well. Based on the marks obtained in the NEET mock test, the candidates can reconsider their preparation strategy and can prepare accordingly for the same. Beneath are the Topper and Expert tips regarding how much time must be devoted to mock tests and how effective planning can help in preparing for NEET.

  • Get acquainted with the exam pattern – Many toppers believe that through the mock test, NEET aspirants will be able to gather a clear picture of the latest exam pattern and get more familiar with the style of questions asked in the exam. One of the experts Anand Nagarajan shares his thoughts – According to him, test series and mocks play an important role in getting into the exam mindset and think exactly the way, the questions are asked in the exam.
  • Proper time management is important – Time is considered as a major constraint and managing time in NEET properly can make a lot of difference. By taking more mock tests, the candidates can build a proper time management strategy for the three sections of NEET. Kalpana Kumari, who secured AIR 1 in NEET 2018 strong believes that by taking more mock tests, NEET aspirants can avoid repeating the mistakes.
  • Building precision – By taking mock tests on a regular basis, NEET aspirants can improve their accuracy and restrain the impact of negative marking in the exam. According to Mr. Nagarjan, giving more mock tests and model exams based on NEET, the candidates can get familiarized with the latest pattern and look for the ways to improve NEET score.
  • Confidence booster – NEET aspirants can get a certain level of satisfaction by performing more mock tests and previous years’ question paper which in turn play an important role in boosting their confidence level. By taking more mock tests, the candidates can be sure that they are moving on the right track along with increasing their understanding of the exam pattern. 

Must Read

NEET Mock Test FAQs

NEET Mock Test FAQs

Question: What is the official website to access NEET Mock Test?

Ans. The official website to access NEET Mock Test is of NTA i.e. Candidates can also download NEET sample papers from the NTA Abhyas app. 

Question: Why to attend NEET Mock Tests?

Ans. By practicing more mock tests, the candidates can develop a broader understanding of the latest course pattern and types of questions asked in the exam. With the growth in the technology, NEET aspirants can take more mock-tests that are available on different portals and can access the test through their smartphone, tablet, or computer.

Question: Can I check my correct and wrong answers after attempting NEET mock test?

Ans. Yes, you can. In fact, if you want to prepare better and focus in your weaker areas, then you must take more NEET tests. There is no better way than taking NEET Mock Tests Online and once you have completed a Mock Test, you can get to know about the correct and wrong answers instantly. By knowing about the incorrect answers, the candidates will not repeat the same mistakes in the real exam.

Question: How can I take a NEET mock test?

Ans. Visit the official website of NTA and click on the student tab to access NEET Mock Test. Since NEET is a pen and paper based test, whereas mock tests are available online, it is essential to create an exam-like environment as much as possible.

Question: Will mock test tell me about the weightage of the exam?

Ans. No. By taking more mock tests, the candidates will only get an idea about the chapter wise weightage and extra efforts they need to put so that they can get the desired results.

Question: How many mock tests should I take before NEET?

Ans. You can take as many mock tests as you can, but before solving mock tests, the candidates are suggested to solve previous year’s papers at least 100 times, so that they can judge the accuracy level of the mock test you are taking. Normally the coaching institutes offer 10 to 15 full syllabus mock tests with discussion which is quite enough to analyze your weaker and stronger points. Taking 10- 15 mock tests is enough.