VMC offers the NEET One Year Coaching for Droppers & Repeaters for class 12 pass students costing Rs. 1,20,000 for NEET aspirants. In addition to classroom sessions & comprehensive study materials, we will provide an online test series for students to help them assess their performance and learn how competitive exams are structured. The course is held for 5-6 days a week and involves 12 hours of learning per week, ensuring individual attention to its students with 40-50 students per batch. Students can avail of up to 100% scholarship through the VidyaMandir Intellect Quest (VIQ) or board exams.
Course Details
Particulars | Course Details |
Course Name | NEET One Year Coaching for Droppers & Repeaters- Regular Classroom Program |
Duration | 1 Year |
Fee | Rs. 1,20,000 |
Study Materials | 6 Modules + 6 Workbooks per subject |
Test Series | 20 Monthly Online Tests + 80 Weekly Tests All India Test Series |
Batch size | 40-50 |
Scholarship | On the Basis of VIQ (VidyaMandir Intellect Quest), Board Exams (Avail Upto 100%) |
Mode of Teaching | Offline |
Exam Preparation | NEET, Boards, Other Medical Entrance exams and Olympiads |
In-Class Learning (In Hrs) | 900 Classroom Hours (12 Hrs per Week) |
Class Frequency:
Class XII Pass | 5-6 days in a week (12 Hrs per Week) |
Why Should You Join This Course?