Aakash offers NEET One Year Coaching for Class XII students. The course fee ranges from Rs. 18,499 for online test series. This course includes Test Series, Chapter/Topic wise study material followed by MCQs and subjective questions designed to help students understand the concepts. The study materials cover 34 books on PCB subjects to prepare students for NEET, Board/School, and other Medical Entrance exams. Study packages include QR codes containing short concept videos based on NCERT key concepts.
Course Highlights
Particulars | Course Details |
Course Name | NEET One Year Coaching for Class XII - Distance + Test Series |
Duration | 1 Year |
Fee | Rs. 18,499 |
Study Materials | Chapter Wise/Topic Wise a total of 34 Books which covers total syllabus of NEET |
Test Series | 16 All India Test Series, 25 Online Test, 269 NPT Tests |
Mode of Teaching | Offline(For Test Series) |
Exam Preparation | NEET, Board/School, Other Medical Entrance exams and Olympiads |
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