AILET 2020 Answer Key Released; Check

The National Law University has released the answer key for AILET 2020 along with the question papers on September 30, 2020. Check here for Direct Link

After several postponements, NTA conducted the AILET 2020 on September 26 in online center-based mode. Candidates who attempted the exam reported that there were many technical issues and the overall difficulty level of the examination was moderate to difficult. Check  AILET 2020 Question Paper Analysis 

With reference to the objections of technical issues, NLU Delhi also mentioned in the official notice, "It has come to our notice that a particular centre in Delhi has faced some issues due to which candidates could not start or complete their test. It is hereby informed that NTA/NLU Delhi is taking appropriate measures to address this issue expeditiously."

Check  AILET 2020 Expected Cutoff

NLU Delhi released an official notice regarding the AILET Answer key which reads, "The Question papers and provisional answer keys of AILET 2020 will be uploaded on the University websites tentatively on September 29 at 7:00 pm."

AILET Answer Key 2020

Around 19,000 applicants appear for AILET every year. The purpose of releasing the provisional answer key is to give candidates an opportunity to look for discrepancies and send their objections. 

Challenging AILET 2020 Answer Key

Candidates can challenge the AILET Answer key 2020, by sending an email to NLU Delhi. Candidates have to mention the name of their program and a serial number of the question, along with suggested answers and valid reference to the same.

Thereafter the exam conducting body will examine the objection and release the final answer key after that. Objections raised after the release of the AILET final answer key will not be entertained.

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