AIMA MAT IBT 2022 Admit Card Released; Check Direct Link Here

New Delhi: All India Management Association (AIMA) has released Management Aptitude Test (MAT) Admit Card 2022 for IBT Exam on November 22, 2022. Registered candidates can check and download their admit card from the official website of MAT at

AIMA MAT IBT 2022 Admit Card Released; Check Direct Link Here

As per AIMA, candidates who are preparing to appear for MAT IBT 2022 examination can now download their admit card for the same through the official website. Applicants need to log onto the candidate’s profile using their email address and password to download the admit card. 

Following the MAT IBT 2022 Schedule, the exam authority will conduct the examination for registered applicants on November 24, 2022. Applicants are required to download the admit card and carry the same to their allotted exam center to appear for the examination.

The MAT 2022 IBT exam will be conducted on November 24. The AIMA MAT question paper will have a total of 200 questions which need to be solved within 150 minutes. Based on marks secured in the entrance exam, candidates will be shortlisted for admission to the MBA course. 

MAT IBT 2022 Admit Card: How to Check Online?

Step 1: Visit the official site of AIMA MAT at

Step 2: Click on AIMA MAT Admit Card 2022 link available on the home page

Step 3: On the admit card link, enter the login details and click on submit to continue. 

Step 4: MAT IBT 2022 Admit Card will be displayed on the next screen.

Step 5: Check the details mentioned in the admit card with care and save the same for future reference. 

All India Management Association conducts the Management Aptitude Test (MAT) for selection of applicants for admission to postgraduate management programmes (MBA). Based on marks secured in the test, applicants can get admission to MAT IBT scores accepting institutes.

Following the AIMA MAT IBT 2022 exam pattern, the question paper will include a total of 200 questions that candidates have to solve in a given duration of 150 minutes. For more details, candidates can visit the official website of the exam authority at

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